Singles Series

You’ve been there . . . sitting in a roomful of married people—maybe a boardroom, birthday party, or family get-together—and no one gets it. No one really understands what it’s like to be you.

Singles Series is the exact opposite. Imagine sitting in a roomful of almost 2,000 single adults and knowing, I am not alone. Not alone with your fears, your experiences, your disappointments, or your victories.

Singles Series is an opportunity to worship with single adults from all six of our local churches, as well as to hear helpful and relevant content for navigating the road ahead. The Series happens nine times a year at 7:30 p.m. in the Buckhead Church auditorium. Save the date for our next Northpoint Singles Series.


singles near me

Singles Series is a special initiative crafted to bring together local singles from all six of our churches, offering them a unique environment for worship and teaching tailored to their specific needs and interests. Our goal is to create a Free Dating space where singles can come together in fellowship, deepen their spiritual connection, and engage with teachings that resonate with their lives. What sets our Singles Series apart is the inclusivity; no registration is required, making it a welcoming and accessible platform for all singles near you. We encourage you to invite all your single friends - single women and men - to join us in this enriching experience.

The heart of our Buckhead Singles Series lies in the power of communal worship and relevant teaching. We understand that singles have unique challenges, questions, and desires, and we address these through our carefully curated sessions. By bringing singles from different backgrounds and life stages together, we foster a diverse and enriching atmosphere where individuals can learn from one another and grow spiritually.

The absence of registration requirements underscores our commitment to creating an open and inviting space. We believe in removing barriers to participation, making it easy for anyone to attend and bring their single friends along. This not only encourages a sense of inclusivity but also allows for organic connections to form within the community.

In essence, Singles Series is a celebration of unity, worship, and learning, purposefully designed to cater to the unique needs of singles from various walks of life. It's a reflection of our commitment to providing a supportive and enriching environment where all are welcome, and where the bonds of friendship and faith can be strengthened and nurtured. We look forward to seeing you and your Buckhead single friends at our upcoming Buckhead Church singles gathering!

Singles Series are designed to gather singles from all six of our churches and provide an environment for worship and teaching that is relevant to them. These events also help singles get connected into Singles Gatherings.

Each Singles Series has three meetings, held on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium at Buckhead Church. 

Buckhead Church is located at: 3336 Peachtree Road Atlanta, GA 30326

No registration is required, so bring all your single friends!

winter Singles Series dates: january 17, 24 & 31

August 8 and 15

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