Leading a Singles Gathering
Two to four individuals and a team of volunteers lead each Singles Gathering. These leaders are interviewed, equipped, and overseen by the Singles Gatherings Director. Interested? Begin the application process.
- You are in a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
- You have Community Group experience.
- You are fully engaged as an attendee at one of our North Point Ministries churches.
- You have the time, emotional capacity, and moral discernment to lead a Gathering.
- You are legally single.
- Facilitate Gatherings, provide vision, monitor the health of the Gathering, and promote participation among the Gathering’s members.
- Attend Singles Gatherings leadership training.
- Meet with your campus Singles Gatherings Director once over the course of the Singles Gatherings cycle.
- Identify and develop potential leaders.
- Leaders are expected to attend all scheduled Gatherings with the allowance of one absence.